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Our chosen charity...


We donate £1 for every job completed to...

The Rainbow Trust 🌈

'The colour shards, known as Facets of light, represent:

- The complexity of the families we support 

- The variety of services we provide

- Diversity

- The hope and strength the Rainbow Trust gives familes at the time of greatest need.

This amazing charity works with families who have a child with a life threatening or terminal illness. Today there are an estimated 86,000 children in the UK with a life limiting condition. The team work with families in areas such as:

Improved quality of life for the children 

Improved economic well being 

Counselling to cope with grief and loss

Increased quality family time

Improved quality of life

Stability and confidence 

These volunteers give their time to support families and children with life threatening and terminal illnesses, click on the link to read more and donate, every little helps! 

Click on the "Donate" button ⏫ to go straight to the Rainbow Trust

Please check out the fantastic hard work this charity does on a daily basis
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